Fiber Optics and Earth


Technical Specifications for a Government WAN and LAN Submitted – Nov. 2024

Alpha Economics LLC completed the technical specifications for a future government wide area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) to interconnect 27 government departments and agencies via dedicated fiber optic links and wireless access points in a Pacific Island state.

Data Center Technical Specifications Submitted to Client – Oct. 2024

Alpha Economics LLC completed the technical specifications for a future government data center of a Pacific Island state.

Alpha Economics Completed Advisory to Regulatory Authority on Investigation of Compliance with Price Caps – Sep. 2024

Alpha Economics completed its analysis into a possible non-compliance with the regulated price caps for international submarine cable capacity in an Asia-Pacific country.

Alpha Economics hired to advise on the technical and economic feasibility of ICT investments in the Indo-Pacific region – Jul. 2024

A U.S. federal agency has retained Alpha Economics LLC to advise on the technical and economic feasibility of ICT investments in the Indo-Pacific region. The advisory will include assessing the impact these projects would have on U.S. exports of ICT goods and services along with the impact on U.S. employment.

Alpha Economics retained to advise regulatory authority on various regulatory proceedings – May 2024

Alpha Economics has been retained to advise regulator in the Asia-Pacific region on a host of issues including but not limited to: (a) investigation on possible non-compliance of an SMP provider of submarine cable fiber optic capacity, (2) advice on implementing regulation to eliminate price discrimination between off-net and on-net mobile calls, (c)cost-based pricing of mobile and fixed termination rates, and (d) regulating wholesale fiber optic capacity services.

Alpha Economics selected to advise government on infrastructure for digital transformation – Mar. 2024

Alpha Economics LLC has been selected to advise a country in the Asia-Pacific region on the technical specifications and design of a future government data center, and the government’s supporting fiber optic LAN and WAN infrastructure. Mr. Rafael Gold will be leading this consultancy.

Alpha Economics advising regulatory authority on compliance with price caps – Oct. 2023

Alpha Economics LLC is advising a regulatory authority in the Asia-Pacific region investigate a possible compliance violation of the price caps imposed on a provider of international capacity over submarine fiber optic cables.

Alpha Economics advising regulatory authority in the Asia-Pacific region – Feb. 2023

Alpha Economics LLC is advising a regulatory authority in the Asia-Pacific region to prevent anti-competitive price discrimination on mobile services and on the regulation of call termination on mobile and fixed networks.

Economic and Fiscal Impact Study Submitted – Nov. 2022

Alpha Economics submitted a study that quantifies the economic and fiscal impacts of the government digital transformation plan (Plan) in an Asia-Pacific country. The study found that the implementation of the Plan would induce a net increase in GDP of USD292 million over the period 2023-2032, and a net increase on tax revenue of USD 30 million over the same period.

Live webinar to potential investors – May 2022

The Alpha Economics’ Consortium organized a live webinar for potential investors interested in a possible divestiture of telecommunication assets in a West African nation. Attendees included the Permanent Secretaries of Communications, and Finance, and 15 representatives from telecom companies with operations in Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Consortium led by Alpha Economics submitted valuation report - May 2022

In preparation for a possible divestiture of telecommunications assets in a West African nation, the Alpha Economics’ Consortium submitted a report with the valuation of the new entities that would be formed to hold the fixed assets transferred from two government-owned telecom companies.

Consortium led by Alpha Economics presents results of due diligence - Dec. 2021

In a meeting attended by the Permanent Secretaries and Ministers of Finance and Communications from a West African nation, the Alpha Economics’ Consortium presented the results of the technical, operational, financial, and legal due diligence of two government-owned telecom companies.

Dr. Viani presents recommendations to restructure the wholesale market for telecommunications services in an Asia-Pacific country – June 2021

Dr. Viani presented his recommendations for restructuring the wholesale market for telecommunications services to the Secretary and senior-level staff of the Department of Information and Communications Technology of an Asia-Pacific country. The proposal analyzed three options for a public-private partnership to own and operate a fiber optic network along with two submarine cable landing stations.

Consortium led by Alpha Economics selected as transaction advisor - May 2021

Consortium led by Alpha Economics LLC has been selected as transaction advisor to a government in West Africa. The advisory services will involve the divestiture of government assets in three telecommunications companies. The services to be performed will include a technical, operational, financial, and legal due diligence of the companies. The valuation of these companies and assets, in addition to advisory services during the transaction process.

Dr. Viani presents National Digital Transformation Plan -  Nov. 2020

Dr. Viani presented a proposal for a National Digital Transformation Plan for a government in Central America. The proposed Plan was validated in various workshops with participants from the private sector and government agencies.

Alpha Economics retained to evaluate e-government services – Oct. 2020

The study is a rapid assessment to be undertaken for the Department of Communications and Information Technology of an Asia-Pacific country.

Dr. Viani completes guidelines for an East African Regulatory Authority – Sep. 2020

Dr. Viani completed the drafting of various guidelines to upgrade the telecommunications regulatory framework in an East African nation; these included guidelines for (a) Interconnection, (b) Infrastructure sharing, (c) competition assessment, (d) price regulation (wholesale and retail), and (e) wholesale national roaming service.

Alpha Economics completes diagnosis of ICT sector – Aug. 2020

Dr. Viani and Mr. Gold completed a diagnosis of the ICT sector for a Central American Regulatory Authority. The report findings were presented to industry participants, and government organizations.

Dr. Viani Retained as Advisor to a Central American Regulatory Authority -  May 15, 2020

Dr. Viani has been retained by a telecommunications regulator in Central America to perform a diagnosis of the current state of adoption of information and communications technologies and to advise on the development of a national digital transformation plan.

Dr. Viani Retained as Advisor to an East African Regulatory Authority to Upgrade Regulations – Feb. 7, 2020

Dr. Viani, was retained to advise a telecommunications regulatory authority in East Africa upgrade its regulations for interconnection and infrastructure sharing.

Business Council of Papua New Guinea Published Key Findings and Recommendations of Alpha Economics’ Study on Internet Pricing – Nov. 30, 2019

The Business Council of Papua New Guinea Published the Key Findings and Recommendations of Alpha Economics’ Study on Internet Pricing. The Study was completed in May of this year.

Dr. Viani and Mr. Pereyra Advising the Government of Papua New Guinea on How to Increase the Affordability of ICT Services – Sep. 10, 2019

Dr. Viani and Mr. Pereyra have been retained as Telecom Advisors to the Australian Department of Foreign Aid and Trade on its program to improve the affordability of ICT services in PNG. They travelled to Port Moresby to present to the National Information and Communications Technology Authority, and to the Department of Communication and Information, the results of their analysis and recommendations to restructure the sector and increase the affordability of ICT services.

Alpha Economics Retained to Advise on Restructuring the Wholesale Telecommunications Markets in Papua New Guinea – June 6, 2019

Alpha Economics LLC has been retained to advise a prominent private sector association on models to restructure the market for wholesale international fiber optic connectivity and domestic fiber optic backhaul/trunk service.

Dr. Bruno Viani Presented Results of Internet Pricing Study in Papua New Guinea – May 21, 2019

Dr. Viani presented the results of a benchmarking analysis of retail Internet prices in PNG against peer countries in the Pacific region. He also presented a detailed analysis of the supply chain of Internet services, followed by the identification of the main issues in the wholesale and retail markets. The presentation concluded with a set of recommendations to address these issues.

Alpha Economics Retained to Conduct Study on Internet Pricing in Papua New Guinea – Mar. 21, 2019

Alpha Economics has been retained to conduct a study on retail Internet pricing in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to advise a leading private sector association regarding the market for broadband Internet services.

Communications Commission of Kiribati (CCK) Completes Public Consultation of Annual License Fee Rules — Dec. 11, 2018

Alpha Economics' consultants advised the CCK to develop regulations stipulating the process and method to be used to set annual fees to be paid by holders of (a) licenses for communications networks or services, and (b) radio communications licenses.The draft regulations were subject to public consultation and comments were received from interested parties. Alpha Economics' consultants advised on proper responses to the comments received and on the final regulations.

Dr. Bruno Viani Testifies in International Arbitration Case Involving Three Telecom Companies in Latin America — Nov. 9, 2018

Dr. Viani testified before the tribunal of the International Commission for Commercial Arbitration (CIAC in Spanish) as the damages expert for the respondent side on a case involving three telecom companies in Latin America.